

在出错时,大多数 PyLong_As* API 都会返回 (return type)-1,这与数字无法区分开。请采用 PyErr_Occurred() 来加以区分。

type PyLongObject
Part of the Limited API (as an opaque struct).

表示 Python 整数对象的 PyObject 子类型。

PyTypeObject PyLong_Type
Part of the Stable ABI.

这个 PyTypeObject 的实例表示 Python 的整数类型。与 Python 语言中的 int 相同。

int PyLong_Check(PyObject *p)

如果参数是 PyLongObjectPyLongObject 的子类型,则返回 True。该函数一定能够执行成功。

int PyLong_CheckExact(PyObject *p)

如果其参数属于 PyLongObject,但不是 PyLongObject 的子类型则返回真值。 此函数总是会成功执行。

PyObject *PyLong_FromLong(long v)
返回值:新的引用。 Part of the Stable ABI.

v 返回一个新的 PyLongObject 对象,失败时返回 NULL

当前的实现维护着一个整数对象数组,包含 -5256 之间的所有整数对象。 若创建一个位于该区间的 int 时,实际得到的将是对已有对象的引用。

PyObject *PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(unsigned long v)
返回值:新的引用。 Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a new PyLongObject object from a C unsigned long, or NULL on failure.

PyObject *PyLong_FromSsize_t(Py_ssize_t v)
返回值:新的引用。 Part of the Stable ABI.

由 C Py_ssize_t 返回一个新的 PyLongObject 对象,失败时返回 NULL

PyObject *PyLong_FromSize_t(size_t v)
返回值:新的引用。 Part of the Stable ABI.

由 C size_t 返回一个新的 PyLongObject 对象,失败则返回 NULL

PyObject *PyLong_FromLongLong(long long v)
返回值:新的引用。 Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a new PyLongObject object from a C long long, or NULL on failure.

PyObject *PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(unsigned long long v)
返回值:新的引用。 Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a new PyLongObject object from a C unsigned long long, or NULL on failure.

PyObject *PyLong_FromDouble(double v)
返回值:新的引用。 Part of the Stable ABI.

v 的整数部分返回一个新的 PyLongObject 对象,失败则返回 NULL

PyObject *PyLong_FromString(const char *str, char **pend, int base)
返回值:新的引用。 Part of the Stable ABI.

根据 str 字符串值返回一个新的 PyLongObjectbase 指定了整数的基。如果 pend 不为 NULL ,则 /*pend 将指向 str 中表示数字部分后面的第一个字符。如果 base0str 将采用 整数字面值 的定义进行解释;这时非零十进制数的前导零会触发 ValueError 。如果 base 不为 0 ,则须位于 236 之间(含 2 和 36)。基之后及数字之间的前导空格、单下划线将被忽略。如果不存在数字,将触发 ValueError


Python methods int.to_bytes() and int.from_bytes() to convert a PyLongObject to/from an array of bytes in base 256. You can call those from C using PyObject_CallMethod().

PyObject *PyLong_FromUnicodeObject(PyObject *u, int base)

将字符串 u 中的 Unicode 数字序列转换为 Python 整数值。

3.3 新版功能.

PyObject *PyLong_FromVoidPtr(void *p)
返回值:新的引用。 Part of the Stable ABI.

从指针 p 创建一个 Python 整数。可以使用 PyLong_AsVoidPtr() 返回的指针值。

long PyLong_AsLong(PyObject *obj)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C long representation of obj. If obj is not an instance of PyLongObject, first call its __index__() method (if present) to convert it to a PyLongObject.

Raise OverflowError if the value of obj is out of range for a long.

出错则返回 -1 。请用 PyErr_Occurred() 找出具体问题。

在 3.8 版更改: Use __index__() if available.

在 3.10 版更改: This function will no longer use __int__().

long PyLong_AsLongAndOverflow(PyObject *obj, int *overflow)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C long representation of obj. If obj is not an instance of PyLongObject, first call its __index__() method (if present) to convert it to a PyLongObject.

If the value of obj is greater than LONG_MAX or less than LONG_MIN, set *overflow to 1 or -1, respectively, and return -1; otherwise, set *overflow to 0. If any other exception occurs set *overflow to 0 and return -1 as usual.

出错则返回 -1 。请用 PyErr_Occurred() 找出具体问题。

在 3.8 版更改: Use __index__() if available.

在 3.10 版更改: This function will no longer use __int__().

long long PyLong_AsLongLong(PyObject *obj)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C long long representation of obj. If obj is not an instance of PyLongObject, first call its __index__() method (if present) to convert it to a PyLongObject.

Raise OverflowError if the value of obj is out of range for a long long.

出错则返回 -1 。请用 PyErr_Occurred() 找出具体问题。

在 3.8 版更改: Use __index__() if available.

在 3.10 版更改: This function will no longer use __int__().

long long PyLong_AsLongLongAndOverflow(PyObject *obj, int *overflow)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C long long representation of obj. If obj is not an instance of PyLongObject, first call its __index__() method (if present) to convert it to a PyLongObject.

If the value of obj is greater than LLONG_MAX or less than LLONG_MIN, set *overflow to 1 or -1, respectively, and return -1; otherwise, set *overflow to 0. If any other exception occurs set *overflow to 0 and return -1 as usual.

出错则返回 -1 。请用 PyErr_Occurred() 找出具体问题。

3.2 新版功能.

在 3.8 版更改: Use __index__() if available.

在 3.10 版更改: This function will no longer use __int__().

Py_ssize_t PyLong_AsSsize_t(PyObject *pylong)
Part of the Stable ABI.

返回 pylong 的 C 语言 Py_ssize_t 形式。pylong 必须是 PyLongObject 的实例。

如果 pylong 的值超出了 Py_ssize_t 的取值范围则会引发 OverflowError

出错则返回 -1 。请用 PyErr_Occurred() 找出具体问题。

unsigned long PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(PyObject *pylong)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C unsigned long representation of pylong. pylong must be an instance of PyLongObject.

Raise OverflowError if the value of pylong is out of range for a unsigned long.

出错时返回 (unsigned long)-1 ,请利用 PyErr_Occurred() 辨别具体问题。

size_t PyLong_AsSize_t(PyObject *pylong)
Part of the Stable ABI.

返回 pylong 的 C 语言 size_t 形式。pylong 必须是 PyLongObject 的实例。

如果 pylong 的值超出了 size_t 的取值范围则会引发 OverflowError

出错时返回 (size_t)-1 ,请利用 PyErr_Occurred() 辨别具体问题。

unsigned long long PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(PyObject *pylong)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C unsigned long long representation of pylong. pylong must be an instance of PyLongObject.

Raise OverflowError if the value of pylong is out of range for an unsigned long long.

出错时返回 (unsigned long long)-1,请利用 PyErr_Occurred() 辨别具体问题。

在 3.1 版更改: 现在 pylong 为负值会触发 OverflowError,而不是 TypeError

unsigned long PyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask(PyObject *obj)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C unsigned long representation of obj. If obj is not an instance of PyLongObject, first call its __index__() method (if present) to convert it to a PyLongObject.

If the value of obj is out of range for an unsigned long, return the reduction of that value modulo ULONG_MAX + 1.

出错时返回 (unsigned long)-1,请利用 PyErr_Occurred() 辨别具体问题。

在 3.8 版更改: Use __index__() if available.

在 3.10 版更改: This function will no longer use __int__().

unsigned long long PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLongMask(PyObject *obj)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C unsigned long long representation of obj. If obj is not an instance of PyLongObject, first call its __index__() method (if present) to convert it to a PyLongObject.

If the value of obj is out of range for an unsigned long long, return the reduction of that value modulo ULLONG_MAX + 1.

出错时返回 (unsigned long long)-1,请利用 PyErr_Occurred() 辨别具体问题。

在 3.8 版更改: Use __index__() if available.

在 3.10 版更改: This function will no longer use __int__().

double PyLong_AsDouble(PyObject *pylong)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Return a C double representation of pylong. pylong must be an instance of PyLongObject.

Raise OverflowError if the value of pylong is out of range for a double.

出错时返回 -1.0 ,请利用 PyErr_Occurred() 辨别具体问题。

void *PyLong_AsVoidPtr(PyObject *pylong)
Part of the Stable ABI.

Convert a Python integer pylong to a C void pointer. If pylong cannot be converted, an OverflowError will be raised. This is only assured to produce a usable void pointer for values created with PyLong_FromVoidPtr().

出错时返回 NULL,请利用 PyErr_Occurred() 辨别具体问题。